Paying for college is hard, but finding scholarships doesn't have to be. Browse through these general scholarships, or choose from the categories on the left to get started. To make it even easier, you can register to get personally matched to scholarships you are eligible to apply for. Read more:
A source for high school students in all grades to find scholarships. Website lists scholarships that can be found by going through the link and searching for scholarships on individual websites.
Scholarships available for Hispanic students broken down by major.
Latino scholarships, fellowships, internships and grants for high school students, graduating high school seniors, and students in college and graduate school.
List of various scholarships designated for high school students.
Find college scholarships while colleges recruit you! We can help you find money for school, even as colleges discover and recruit you. FREE! Start now. Find money for college. Get found by colleges.
Directory of scholarships designated for Latino students.
A source for scholarships for high school students. Website also lists other scholarships in different fields.
The following awards and scholarships are general. They can be used for most majors and career fields and a variety of students are eligible to apply for them.
Get personalized matches to over $1B in scholarships to help pay for college!
List of scholarships available for minorities.